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How to Balance Your Gut Microbiome

How to Balance Your Gut Microbiome What is the gut microbiome? The gut microbiome refers to the trillions of microorganisms (mainly bacteria, but also viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms) that reside in our digestive system and their interactions with each other and their surroundings. Although we tend to

How to Check Heart Rate?

How to Check Heart Rate? People can check their heart rate by counting their pulse. To do this: Summary To check their heart rate, individuals can find their pulse by gently pressing their middle and index fingers to the wrist’s inner part, specifically the radial

How to Improve Sleep Quality

How to Improve Sleep Quality Most of us have heard about aiming for a solid eight hours of sleep a night. But sufficient sleep is about more than quantity. The quality of your sleep is just as important, if not more important, than the number

Science-backed Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Science-backed Tips to Lose Belly Fat Belly fat refers to the extra weight around the middle section of the body. Usually, there are two forms of this fat. The first type is subcutaneous fat, which accounts for approximately 90% of the fat. The remaining 10%

Potential Side Effects of Carbonated Water

Potential Side Effects of Carbonated Water While carbonated water is generally considered safe for most people, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects and risks associated with its consumption. Here are some possible disadvantages and side effects to consider: 1. Bloating and Burping

Techniques for Proper Food Preparation for Seniors 

Techniques for Proper Food Preparation for Seniors  The potential of elderly nutrition personnel “Slowing Aging, Slowing Disease, Healthy Aging” organized by the Nutrition Division, Department of Health that behaviors that accelerate the deterioration and aging process, such as being overweight and obese, eating incorrectly and

Fatigue is an ongoing feeling of tiredness or weariness.

Fatigue is an ongoing feeling of tiredness or weariness. It can cause a decrease in attention span or difficulty concentrating, which is sometimes referred to as brain fog or fuzziness. People feeling the exhausting physical and mental effects of fatigue often have difficulty functioning, which leads to

Warning signs of headache

Warning signs of headache Although most headaches are not caused by serious illnesses, patients with headaches with the following symptoms should see a doctor immediately Warning signs of headache because they may be caused by life-threatening causes, such as brain bleeding or infection in the nervous

Nutritional value of 5 color fruits and vegetables

Nutritional value of 5 color fruits and vegetables Vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. They are also considered foods high in phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, meaning nutrients that the body cannot create on its own and must be obtained from plants. They