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Know in depth: “Where does the headache occur?”

Know in depth: “Where does the headache occur?” What diseases can it indicate? ” Headache ” or ” headache ” is something that everyone must have experienced, more or less. And this symptom often causes quite a bit of irritation. However when many people have a headache, they may

How to reduce menstrual headaches yourself

Menstrual headaches are caused by drastic changes in hormone levels in the body, which can cause throbbing headaches, nausea, and fatigue, which can occur every month. Ways to reduce menstrual headaches on your own may include getting enough rest, trying not to be too stressed,

Having sex and bleeding, what is the cause?

Having sex and bleeding, even though it’s not the first time, may be a physical abnormality, reflecting an illness that is developing inside. What is the real cause of vaginal bleeding? Bleeding during sex for the first time is something that can happen. For women

Carrot, an orange vegetable, helps reduce blood fat levels

Carrots, a popular vegetable full of unexpected benefits, help reduce blood cholesterol levels, reduce the incidence of heart disease, prevent heart failure, reduce the incidence of stroke, and help fight free radicals! Carrot is a popular orange vegetable. That can be used in a variety of