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Tag Archives: Health

Fatigue is an ongoing feeling of tiredness or weariness.

Fatigue is an ongoing feeling of tiredness or weariness. It can cause a decrease in attention span or difficulty concentrating, which is sometimes referred to as brain fog or fuzziness. People feeling the exhausting physical and mental effects of fatigue often have difficulty functioning, which leads to

Dangers of eating Too much “instant noodles“

Consuming instant noodles in moderation may not cause negative health effects. However, their nutritional value is low, and frequent consumption may be linked to poor diet quality. The increase of 5-10 baht may still be enough to endure. But some things are more expensive, the difference

What effects does stress have on health?

What effects does stress have on health? Stress is a part of everyday life and everyone experiences some level whether from work, school or personal relationships. can have a negative effect on mental and physical health. When the body is under stress, The body will stimulate The fight

Sweaty hands, a bothersome problem that can be treated

Sweaty hands, a bothersome problem. That can treated Some people tend to think that sweating in their hands is normal. But for many people, they tend to think. That It’s a bothersome problem. In daily life because it can be a health problem, but everyone doesn’t have to worry

What effects does stress have on health?

What effects does stress have on health? Stress is a part of everyday life and everyone experiences some level of stress, whether from work, school or personal relationships. Stress can have a negative effect on mental and physical health. When the body is under stress, The body