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Tag Archives: heart disease

Science-backed Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Science-backed Tips to Lose Belly Fat Belly fat refers to the extra weight around the middle section of the body. Usually, there are two forms of this fat. The first type is subcutaneous fat, which accounts for approximately 90% of the fat. The remaining 10%

Carrot, an orange vegetable, helps reduce blood fat levels

Carrots, a popular vegetable full of unexpected benefits, help reduce blood cholesterol levels, reduce the incidence of heart disease, prevent heart failure, reduce the incidence of stroke, and help fight free radicals! Carrot is a popular orange vegetable. That can be used in a variety of

Sweaty hands, a bothersome problem that can be treated

Sweaty hands, a bothersome problem. That can treated Some people tend to think that sweating in their hands is normal. But for many people, they tend to think. That It’s a bothersome problem. In daily life because it can be a health problem, but everyone doesn’t have to worry